The Big Mistake of Political Asylum

In this article I am going to be talking about a big risk that jeopardizes your application, your political asylum case in the US. Read on to the end, where the article talks about two instances, two examples of cases that were in danger for this reason. So, what is the big mistake that can put your asylum case in jeopardy and that is simply if a person grabs a person, a lawyer, an organization, someone to help them in their asylum case who doesn't know what they are doing.

If a person is inexperienced, they don't know what they are doing. It may happen that they do not even know where the document has to be sent, do not know what exactly has to be included in the application or also in the application. When you are entering the asylum application, or also if a person is entering an asylum application with the help of one of these people, it may happen that what is contained, let's say, if you are including things, documents, it may happen that they are not the things that are important for an asylum case, as I think you know.

Asylum in the U.S. can be requested in two ways: 1. defensive asylum and 2. affirmative asylum. In addition, an asylum seeker who has a completed application qualifies for social security and a work permit. Also, as a foreigner, many people bring their son or daughter with them. There are several reasons why a person flees his country. When they flee in fear, they come to the U.S. seeking refuge. In addition, everyone has a right to seek political asylum in the US. You cannot apply for political asylum in your country of origin, only in another state. political opinion

For a political asylum case is very delicate. If one says one thing, even if there is an innocent mistake, it can be used against one. The U.S. government does not give political asylum to just anyone. If one puts in the statement some fact, something that one thinks makes it a case of a person would have more mercy. Sometimes it can come out bathing, being the worst case. A person who has no experience with these cases will not know how to use it or not, and I would like to talk about two examples, the first one is a person who obtained help from a non-profit organization.

He was not charging the person, he did it because he wanted to help, right? And I was looking at all the documents to see where the voucher is. I have the asylum application here. He was given a copy. The organization told the client we already sent the application and I was getting worried because for asylum cases you have to submit the application. Generally within one year. When he entered the United States, this person was approaching that year and I wanted proof that immigration, Uzis or the immigration court received the asylum application.

Although we had the copy of the asylum application here, we did not have proof that one of these two organizations received the application. If you are learning something, please give me your hand, give me the law. Also, don't forget to subscribe. It helps this channel a lot, to show the video to other people who will also benefit from this information. Thank you very, very much. And so I was getting worried trying to see if I could create some proof that one of these organizations received the document.

After I talked to the organization he told me the person or if I sent him, here is the address where we sent him where we sent the asylum application and when he told me the address over the phone, I knew immediately that where he sent the application was not with the immigration court, it was with the Immigration Prosecutor's Office and the thing there is that's not going to be enough. Perhaps an argument could be made, well, if we comply because we send it to the Prosecutor's Office, but what has to be done is to send it to the Court or the asylum office, sometimes to both, but depending on how it came in, how the case is at the moment is what decides where it is sent.

But here the person made a mistake, not knowing he sent it to the Prosecutor's Office and that was not going to be enough under the law for this person to continue with his asylum case. The other example is that the person also received help from a non-profit organization and what happened there, because the person made the statement wanting to help, wanting to, having a good intention, helping this person to fill out his asylum application. Here everything was sent to court, they had proof that they put it inside the year, that was it.

But the bad thing about this is that in the statement that was sent there were many facts that did not support the asylum case, there were many facts that the prosecution could use to attack this person's asylum and that is why it is important that they think about their cases. It may be some other immigration case, but one has to think about it, because if I go with a person who is going to me. Help, because maybe everything goes well too if I go, if I go to an immigration lawyer who has a good reputation, is good and that, well all that will help you with your case so that there is less risk of something bad happening.

So that is something important to think about. Get legal representation to help you with the asylum process. Not all legal aid is equal. Remember that there is a difference between a lawyer and a notary. The government's system, the process with the judge, and the interview is important so get a lawyer who can help you.

To speak with our immigration attorney, you can call 559-777-6587 or schedule a consultation here.

More articles on political asylum here

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